New Orleans
What happened is Biblical. God warned in the Bible crush the wicked with disaster of his choice. I'm not sure what the hoopla is about with taking care of the criminals but God intended to wipe them out. Anyone who traverses the city for any length of time knows it is a cesspool of crime and low morality. The paradoxical thing is that many Christians are trying to undo the work that God had initially intended to do. When the people of Mississippi went through tragedy, they helped each other. When the people of New Orleans went through tragedy, they fought with each other and even shot (with a gun) at the US Army soldiers that were there. This transportation of criminals to our cities has brought at least 3,000 known sex offenders from N.O. to Houston and 250,000 people from a culture of low morality and ethics. They people who actually have money will return to N.O. These criminals will find it more convenient to prey on the unsuspecting citizens of Texas, and especially Houston. Crime rate will increase quite a bit.
"Because of the wrath of The Lord, she [the city] shall not be inhabited, but she shall be wholly desolate: everyone who goes by [the city] shall be astonished, and hiss at all her plagues." (Jeremiah 50:13)
"Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it." (Isaiah 13:9)
"The wicked shall perish. The enemies of the LORD shall be like the beauty of the fields. They will vanish-- vanish like smoke. " (Psalms 37:20)
Comments below:
"Yeah, I know this is a terrible thing to say, but as a native Louisianian, I don't know that I'd be all that disappointed if N.O. ceased to exist. The place is a cesspool of corruption, crime and is about three notches below a banana republic. If it no longer existed, LA would probably be a better state. "
"The Big Easy has turned into a city of lawlessness and death. The situation is so bad that it has many residents afraid for their lives ... looters are having their way. And armed gangs are roaming the streets. There have been reports of shootings, rape, and gunfire through the night."
Most of the newspaper articles and media about the event are written by people who know very little about what really goes on in that city. You realize how stupid America is when you hear that they donate $500 million to help fund criminal behavior. These people are dumb. Not only that but 2,000 new websites have popped up pretending to take donations for New Orleans and pocketing the money themselvs. By the way, that's not counted in the $500 M.
"Because of the wrath of The Lord, she [the city] shall not be inhabited, but she shall be wholly desolate: everyone who goes by [the city] shall be astonished, and hiss at all her plagues." (Jeremiah 50:13)
"Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it." (Isaiah 13:9)
"The wicked shall perish. The enemies of the LORD shall be like the beauty of the fields. They will vanish-- vanish like smoke. " (Psalms 37:20)
Comments below:
"Yeah, I know this is a terrible thing to say, but as a native Louisianian, I don't know that I'd be all that disappointed if N.O. ceased to exist. The place is a cesspool of corruption, crime and is about three notches below a banana republic. If it no longer existed, LA would probably be a better state. "
"The Big Easy has turned into a city of lawlessness and death. The situation is so bad that it has many residents afraid for their lives ... looters are having their way. And armed gangs are roaming the streets. There have been reports of shootings, rape, and gunfire through the night."
Most of the newspaper articles and media about the event are written by people who know very little about what really goes on in that city. You realize how stupid America is when you hear that they donate $500 million to help fund criminal behavior. These people are dumb. Not only that but 2,000 new websites have popped up pretending to take donations for New Orleans and pocketing the money themselvs. By the way, that's not counted in the $500 M.
Some sleazoid tried to advertise his website in the comment section. He even admitted that he was a low life, broke, and umemployed. I would have left his website link if he had done it in an honest way like. His lack of ethics however, made me remove his comment. Let me tell you a secret, people with low morals will forever be miserable, even if they manage to make any money. That is the curse given unto them.
I guess all those dogs and cats were hellbound sinners, too. And the children. And the old ladies stranded on rooftops. Funny how God missed the armed gangs that were raping 14 year old girls. This was a NATURAL DISASTER, not God's wrath.
You do know that in the Bible, God *ordered* King David to slaugther not only the enemy soldiers but the women, children, and livestock. You may ask, "Why God made such a decision?" God's rationale is answered in the Bible.
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