Bush on War
Pres. Bush claims the criticism will hurt troops but the truth is starting wars without proper preparation and planning is what kills troops. Criticism will help the Pres. see what foolish and hasty decisions he has made with preparation. Criticism is necessary so that an intelligent person can learn from their mistakes. One of the first things a president can do is to take responsibility for his actions and decisions, and stop blaming critics, because he didn't know what he was doing when he started the war. For instance, he didn't prepare for guerilla warfare and how to handle it. The result, troops are dying because of this lack of preparation. Lack of preparation is the predecessor of failure. I believe our troops are patriots. They are there to serve the country. In fact, they are ordered to go over to Iraq and do their "duty" regardless of whether they want to or not. A soldier who refuses will be court martialed and his career and livelihood threatened by the representatives United States. You see he has no choice. The U.S. Army trains soldier to be fearful of what happens when they don't follow orders. They use advanced hypnosis techniques to brainwash soldier into doing what they are ordered. They brainwash the soldiers into fearing the commanding officer so much that they will follow any order to kill or what not. I am trained in hypnosis and I have been in the military so I know their methods, even though the soldiers around me had no idea what was going on or that they were even being brainwashed. The methods are not different from those use in cults to train new methods, except that they are much stronger because the military has "total control" of your life once you sign the papers to join the service. They cut you off from communication with the outside world for weeks at a time while they take control of your mind. By the time they let the solider talk with their family again, the program is already designed to take effect into his mind. If you take a look at Margaret Singer's research on mind control methods, you can see the military follows this step by step, except at a much more intense level.
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