Thursday, December 08, 2005

Patriot Act

Deal reached to extend Patriot Act.

The Patriot Act is a pretentious site published by the Department of Justice leaves out important details of the Patriot Acts that they don't want the public to know such as
Guide to Patriot Act

1. Section 218 aka "FISA"
Secret searches can now be authorized by a secret court without public knowledge or Department of Justice accountability, so long as the government can allege there is any foreign intelligence basis for the search. By this, all the CIA or FBI has to do is say they have a hunch you are a foreign intelligence agent and the warrant is granted. They don't need probable cause. The FISA court approved 1,228 applications for warrants in 2002 and over a 1,000 a year since. How many real terrorists have they caught? The FBI and CIA are massively incompetent. They cannot do their job yet request more power so they can abuse U.S. citizens. Would you give a loaded gun to a child so that he can protect you?

2. Section 213. Secret searches of your home and property without your knowledge. They can take stuff too without your knowledge.

This act also allows the government to access extremely private records of innocent Americans without having to demonstrate probably cause.

In addition,
recipients of National Security Letters are prohibited by law from disclosing that they received it, even to their attorney. -- ZDNet

Another critique.

Patriot Act may be renewed without reforms. National Security Letter.


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