Sunday, January 21, 2007


Soy is probably one of the most dangerous things you can eat, that masquerades as health food. Even before all this research came out, as a kid I was able to "sense" things. However my mother kept on telling me, "What's wrong with you, all Asians eat soy, there's something wrong with you." It's sad my intuition as a kid were later proven correct although both my mother and father kept on saying how stupid I was. As a kid I "sensed" that the microwave oven was not good for me. In fact, I sensed that it was something very bad. I told my father this but he said I was dumb. That I didn't know what I was talking about. Now there is research that shows that microwaves are dangerous.

My father, who often read tons of health articles and magazines and books on medicine often told me that I was crazy, "There is no research to state that microwaves are dangerous. I've read all the research and I can't find any study that says it is dangerous." This was pre-internet days, of course, when I was a kid. I often that one can use COMMON SENSE and not to rely on research to tell you how to run your life. Of course, I told him in a nicer way, "Sometimes you can use your intuition to tell things. You don't have to rely on research for everything." He said that I was out of my mind and didn't know what I was talking about. Keep in mind that I was rarely allowed to say anything when he was talking. He used to beat his children severely before we came to the United States. He ran the household like a military dictatorship and beat his children for making the smallest mistakes such as losing their glasses. In fact, he whipped my older brother for losing his glasses as a kid. While he was whipping him, he would say, "I'm going to kill you. " Like in military boot camp, he will find the smallest infraction that does not mean the level of perfect that he demands and then beats his children for that. I remember one time in the U.S., he was teaching me how to read and I wasn't learning as fast he liked so he slapped me very hard, backwards and forwards, while yelling at me, "Get it through your head." These were very hard slaps. And then he would say, "NOW READ AGAIN and don't make any mistakes." My father has such a short and fitful temper and very little patience yet when I grew older I told him I like teaching at the "advanced levels" and that I didn't want to teach beginners or kindergarteners, he gave me a big lecture on how I had no patience and that he was willing to teach me, if I was interested. I am not exaggerating or making this up. This is 100% true.

So back to the story, when I told him that we can use our intuition, I told him his in a very respectful way and at a much later time than when he told me microwaves were safe. In fact, like in military boot camp, we were not allowed to talk to him or ask questions while he was interrogating us, even to clarify what he said. I remember when I was 5, he was beating me and asked a question, I made a mistake of answering it, he hit me again and told me, "Did I say you can talk? Did I say you can talk?". I said, "No." He hit me again for answering his question. U.S. soldiers are subjected to 2-3 months of boot camp depending on the branch of service they enter. Their attempt is to break you. Imagine a 5 year old subjected to this his entire childhood. I did not break.

My father acts like a bad child. My mother often calls him a "70+ year old junior high school kid" to us privately. He still acts like a bad teenager growing up at 70+ years of age.

My father now criticizes us saying that we are ungrateful, bad children. We don't give him enough love and money. He wishes he has better children. It turns out he has an inferiority complex. When he talks to his friends, they brag about how well their children are and exaggerate. My father would often believe the lies of his friends and expect us to measure up. When we didn't measure up, he felt like a failure and tortured us more. For instance, one of his friends said that their son was making 27.5 million a year as CEO of a company he formed. My father bragged about the successes of other people's children to us and called us losers for not measuring up. I told my father, "If his son was making 27.5 million a year, why does the father still live in a 40K old broken down house? It doesn't make sense especially since you told me that his son was very loyal and loving towards his father. You would think that he would do something for his father."
My father would come up with his usual lame excuse. I then asked for the name of the company, my father would respond he didn't know.

My father has the intelligence of a nimwit while putting on his resume that he is a graduate of Hanoi Medical School. He likes being called Doctor. He thinks that magic shows on TV are real magic and not tricks. He thinks that all the choreographed fight scenes in movies are real fight scenes. He would say, "Who would pay money to watch a set up (choreographed) fight?" I said, "So when the guy gets killed in the movie, he really dies? How does he make it into the next movie?" He would respond, "That part was fake, obviously." When I was younger, I wanted to audition for a fight scene in one of Chuck Norris' movies. My father would not let me because he thought Chuck Norris might seriously hurt me and then he wasn't going to take care of cripple without any source of income.

I was raised pretty harshly and blocked of my normal chances of success and yet I made it out alive and with my intelligence still intact and start a new life. You can overcome your environment and make something of yourself.


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