Monday, February 25, 2008

Prescription Drugs

Had I taken prescription drugs to "fix" my cholesterol problem, I would still be taking them now and feeling quite weak. Drugs are not designed to fix your problem, they are designed to get you get you to take them for the rest of your life so that the pharmaceutical companies can profit for as long as you life. My father (and mother) will be addicted to prescription drugs for the rest of their lives. It is unfortunate.

The final solution to fixing my cholesterol problem, I had to use my brain to figure a couple of things out and and experiment. After about the "300th" experiment, I figured it out. I guess this is the difference between my father and I. He always relied on books and article to tell him how to think and what to do. He refuses to step out the box and this has been much of the conflict between my dad and I. I am a pioneer, explorer. Deep down, I think, he doesn't believe he has the intelligence to figure things out on his own. He always relies on the "experts" to do his thinking for him. My father always put down things I believed in and tried. Even though I didn't have the answers then, I knew the "experts" often make mistakes ... only to retract their theory 30 years later.

I read books a lot but I see it as a stepping stone in my learning. I see it as a place to start from.

I finally landed my dream job. I had to stay away from their criticisms and attempt to control me to put me in my place to do jobs I can't stand because "life is hard and that is what is required of me".

I have my dream job now and I couldn't have done it with them. Thank God. Sometimes you have to let go of negative people, even though they are loved ones, to succeed and enjoy your life. May others be tempted to try to find a calling that is suitable to them, makes them happy, and provides for their family.

I can say that I have all three. Thank God. Amen.

If raising a child without love or affection is considered being a good person, I beg to differ.

I give my daughter a lot of love. I make sure I spend time playing with her. My daughter is such a fun, loving and great personality to be with.


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