Saturday, March 05, 2005

Apocalypse Now Redux

I saw Apocalypse Now Redux with new eyes last night. I saw this film in the 80's when I was in middle/high school and thought it was the most boring film. Couldn't understand how anyone could sit through a movie like that. I watched it this time and see how I would fare. If the captain that was sent on that mission was me, would I maintain my sanity?

My first thought after watching the captain and his men in a 'dangerous' situation was that he was with a bunch of military misfits. I wouldn't want to be in the middle of war with a group like that. They'd likely get me killed. I am so glad that I did not sign for the regular army.

A special forces team consists of the best of the best. A special forces team has a lower casualty rate than infantry soldier beause they are the best of the best at what they do.

My second thought was that the captain was sent on a 'suicide mission'. They sent a regular army captain (who failed special forces training) to hunt down and kill a regenade Special Forces Colonel, who went AWOL, and his 'army' . Right!! Of course in the movies people complete their missions but in real life, it was suicide.

The movie deals with the craziness of day to day war. I was so entrenched in the movie. Not knowing if this is what I wanted to do. This movie is about a profession killer, the captain, who goes through the war seeing soldiers who have 'lost it'. They lost their mind, they lost their soul, they lost control. The captain was the only one sane in the day to day scene.

[Do not read the rest of this if you plan to watch the movie.]

Something ... something happened to the Colonel that made him went insane. He wanted the captain to terminate him. He wanted to die like a soldier. He was tired of the lies of the government (military). He wanted his family to know the truth. He wanted the captain to end his pain, end his misery. He was a brilliant man, with over 100 war commendations but something in him broke. The photojournalist made the comment that his mind was clear but his soul all torn up inside.

The last minutes of the movie were sad. Even though the Colonel was worshipped and treated as a 'God' in his 'army', he was tired of living. He was lonely. He hated the lies. After the captain killed him, the captain was given a chance to be their next leader. But he left, he knew that he would be insane if he stayed there. He no longer wanted to stay in the army. He wanted to complete the 'mission' and tell the Colonel's family what happened, everything he had seen, the horror, the madness.


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