Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The new government of Iraq..

talks no different than Saddam Hussein. They do stupid things and make dumb accussations and expect anyone with a sense of intelligence to listen to them. There's no reason to believe the new government will be any better than Saddam's regime. We just stepped in there and wasted American lives and all for nothing. Just a setup for a repeat of the same. In fact, this is the history of US foreign policy. They did the same thing in Vietnam. US CIA trained the Viet Cong for the purpose of overthrowing the French out of Vietnam. They gladly accepted the aid and training and then decided they didn't want the US there either. The very people we train are coming to fight us again. In fact, the US CIA and had helped Saddam gain in the first place. It's just a circle that keeps on repeating itself. All the while wasting taxpayers money. We are charged an incredible tax rate here in the U.S., and what for? So that right wing can start wars. Who benefits out of all this loss? The contractors for the US military. All friends of the President. He may not have purposely done it for his friends, but he was too stupid to see how he was manipulated by his friends.

For the record, I am a patriot and believe in fighting to defend our country if it was ever attacked. I would be the first one wanting to be out there fighting. However, these wars have nothing to do with patriotism. In fact, we are not in much danger. The only justified war was with Afghanistan which was controlled by the Taliban who aided in bombing of the US World Trade Towers. Other than that, the whole Iraq thing was a scam.

The Army tries to scare and threaten citizens with 'we don't want to start drafting again'. Well good luck trying to draft people for a war that is not needed. Good luck getting that passed in Congress. Congress and politicians like to spend taxpayers money as if they are on a spendthrift. Guess who is footing the bill, us taxpayers. And for what? Vietnam today would be a good place to live if the French occupied it.


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