Friday, November 18, 2005


1954 was the height of Project ARTICHOKE’s attempt to use hypnosis to ‘program’ an assassin. The Agency [CIA] had discovered that “a posthypnotic suggestion is believed to remain effective for several months, and for years if periodically reinforced.” [41] P. 155, 156

J.G. Watkins [42] “induced a soldier to strike a superior officer by suggesting that the officer was a Japanese soldier.” He obtained from a hypnotized WAC “information classified secret that she had previously told him she would not reveal.” Two subjects who were told to throw sulphuric acid at a laboratory assistant (protected by glass) complied with the hypnotist’s commands. [43] P. Janet [44] asked a deeply hypnotized female to commit several murders before a distinguished group of judges, stabbing some victims with rubber daggers and poisoning others with sugar tablets. The hypnotized subject did all these without hesitation. P. 158, 160


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