The CIA wants you to believe that terrorist activities in the United States are unprovoked acts of regression based on racism, hatred, and inability to deal with religious differences. The truth of the matter is that terrorist activities are a result of *retaliation* against the United States for CIA operations in other countries. See the CIA likes to assassinate foreign leaders and sets up operations overseas to undermine foreign governments. Do you really expect them to take that slap in the face without retaliation? That would be silly but the CIA, NSA, FBI is so adulated with increasing its own powers that that make up stories about religious fanatics and unprovoked tactics in order to *scare* the American general public in granting it more powers so that it can become even more powerful. Terrorist activities started happening in the U.S. ONLY after the CIA was formed and subverted other governments for personal and finacial reasons that were often a detriment to the citizens of the foreign country. Any *patriot* from such countries would want to retaliate in kind for the behavior of the CIA. Foreign governments associate the behavior of the CIA with that of the American public. They think it is one and the same.
The CIA subverted the government of Iran because it refused to give its money from oil fields to the U.S. In its place, the CIA had placed the Shah of Iran. This man had a secret police called the SAVAK that tortured and abused its own citizens and without due process or any laws to protect its citizens. This is hardly the kind of government that can be called a democracy but the CIA supported because money talks and he was willing to play ball with the CIA in exchange for his rule in Iran.
It is easy to see from this that the replacement of the Shah of Iran and the 1979 Iran hostage crisis were a direct result of overthrowing a tyranical governmented imposed on Iran by the CIA. In fact, the CIA has many secret operations in the middle east and in fact, that is the reason why we are having so many problems with the middle east.
If the CIA and its terroristic operations were stopped in the foreign countries, the United States would no longer be attacked in retaliation. In fact, it is probably best to dismantle the CIA. They don't serve any useful purpose other than causing trouble. Much of our tax dollars goes into supporting the CIA and its military operations overseas. As you can see, our own tax dollars are spent to support terroristic operations overseas and then we have pay even more money to support full scale wars because of what the CIA did in the first place. That's a whole lot of money that can be better spent elsewhere.