Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Crimes Rates rise in Houston due to Katrina evacuees


I did say this was going to happen. Crime rate has risen sharply and the homocide rate spiked up an alarming 70% this month due to the evacuees.

Monday, December 26, 2005

How Bush is using the secret wiretapping order

Article. Interesting that he would approve of this order ... repeatly. It's all to his benefit to crack down on my critics and get as much dirt on them as he can. This has nothing to do with protecting the nation against terrorism. Bush is using these powers for his own benefit. He's so pretentious.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Question on Bush's secret wiretapping order

President Bush claims, "To save American lives we must be able to act fast and to detect these conversations so we can prevent new attacks" -- CNN

The question is how how many secret wiretaps has the NSA done and how many terrorist attacks have they ACTUALLY prevented because of this order? It's been four years. What kind of results has the NSA shown for the grant of additional power? My guess is that the NSA took this opportunity to gain more power for themselves so they can conduct their own private operations. If they were actually spending time cracking down on terrorists, how many have they caught so far due to this law?

Clandestine Operations

Who usually orders the CIA to conduct clandestine operations? Are the orders created from within or are they acting on orders requested from the U.S. Presidency? That is the question.

How to prosecute Dick Cheney

The prosecution of Dick Cheney should work something like this. Use the Patriot Act to spy on Dick Cheney for knowingly starting a war basedo n false evidence. Check offshore accounts used by Halliburton to see which one Dick Cheney has access to. He is obviously getting kick backs. Collect all the evidence while the Patriot Act is enabled. Do not arrest and prosecute him now because President Bush would only pardon his cohort. Instead wait until George Bush's presidency is over and then arrest Cheney.

Cheney may not access this money until he retires. They should just keep monitoring these accounts until they see him withdraw in his retirement. Then he will be fully arrested with charges to start a war for monetary gain.


If the United States is going to torture terrorism suspects, the first they should torture is Dick Cheney on his involvement on starting this war. Torture him until he confesses.


Sunday, December 18, 2005

On Torture

I think it is *irresponsible* to torture people because we have a hunch about them, without any proof that they are terrorists. On the other hand, if they are caught in the act, or if the proof is overwhelming, torture is needed so that it can save lives of other U.S. soldiers and citizens of our country. Overwhelming means that the proof can be easily proven with a guilty verdict in a U.S. court of law. Information extracted is important and it can save lives provided we are torturing the right person where we have incontrovertible proof that they are guilty. Torturing people based on hunches and coincidences is irresponsible and oppressive.

How to stop terrorist activities in the United States for good

The CIA wants you to believe that terrorist activities in the United States are unprovoked acts of regression based on racism, hatred, and inability to deal with religious differences. The truth of the matter is that terrorist activities are a result of *retaliation* against the United States for CIA operations in other countries. See the CIA likes to assassinate foreign leaders and sets up operations overseas to undermine foreign governments. Do you really expect them to take that slap in the face without retaliation? That would be silly but the CIA, NSA, FBI is so adulated with increasing its own powers that that make up stories about religious fanatics and unprovoked tactics in order to *scare* the American general public in granting it more powers so that it can become even more powerful. Terrorist activities started happening in the U.S. ONLY after the CIA was formed and subverted other governments for personal and finacial reasons that were often a detriment to the citizens of the foreign country. Any *patriot* from such countries would want to retaliate in kind for the behavior of the CIA. Foreign governments associate the behavior of the CIA with that of the American public. They think it is one and the same.

The CIA subverted the government of Iran because it refused to give its money from oil fields to the U.S. In its place, the CIA had placed the Shah of Iran. This man had a secret police called the SAVAK that tortured and abused its own citizens and without due process or any laws to protect its citizens. This is hardly the kind of government that can be called a democracy but the CIA supported because money talks and he was willing to play ball with the CIA in exchange for his rule in Iran.

It is easy to see from this that the replacement of the Shah of Iran and the 1979 Iran hostage crisis were a direct result of overthrowing a tyranical governmented imposed on Iran by the CIA. In fact, the CIA has many secret operations in the middle east and in fact, that is the reason why we are having so many problems with the middle east.

If the CIA and its terroristic operations were stopped in the foreign countries, the United States would no longer be attacked in retaliation. In fact, it is probably best to dismantle the CIA. They don't serve any useful purpose other than causing trouble. Much of our tax dollars goes into supporting the CIA and its military operations overseas. As you can see, our own tax dollars are spent to support terroristic operations overseas and then we have pay even more money to support full scale wars because of what the CIA did in the first place. That's a whole lot of money that can be better spent elsewhere.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Hypnotic Statements

I have been noticing that the President and Vice President have been issuing statements to the press that are hypnotic in nature. They are designed to make people conform with their wishes. While it does not work on people who are awake, it does work on people who are *asleep*. I'm sure they can afford the high priced hypnotists who can design hypnotic statements into their speech.

So to counter the balance, I have reworded their statements.

1. "For the safety of the nation, impeach George Bush."
2. "It is a grave mistake to think that Dick Cheney cannot be arrested."

1. reword of Bush's statement on the Patriot Act
2. reword of Cheney's statement on the war

That was fun :)

Remember to repeat these statements daily in your mind. I will be posting more in the future. hehehe

I can't even squeeze 1/2" off my waist!!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

I lost 8 lbs !!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Patriot Act

Deal reached to extend Patriot Act.

The Patriot Act is a pretentious site published by the Department of Justice leaves out important details of the Patriot Acts that they don't want the public to know such as
Guide to Patriot Act

1. Section 218 aka "FISA"
Secret searches can now be authorized by a secret court without public knowledge or Department of Justice accountability, so long as the government can allege there is any foreign intelligence basis for the search. By this, all the CIA or FBI has to do is say they have a hunch you are a foreign intelligence agent and the warrant is granted. They don't need probable cause. The FISA court approved 1,228 applications for warrants in 2002 and over a 1,000 a year since. How many real terrorists have they caught? The FBI and CIA are massively incompetent. They cannot do their job yet request more power so they can abuse U.S. citizens. Would you give a loaded gun to a child so that he can protect you?

2. Section 213. Secret searches of your home and property without your knowledge. They can take stuff too without your knowledge.

This act also allows the government to access extremely private records of innocent Americans without having to demonstrate probably cause.

In addition,
recipients of National Security Letters are prohibited by law from disclosing that they received it, even to their attorney. -- ZDNet

Another critique.

Patriot Act may be renewed without reforms. National Security Letter.

Colonel Ted Westhusing

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

How Hitler achieved absolute power

"Hitler took advantage of the situation to declare a state of emergency and encouraged aging president Paul von Hindenburg to sign the Reichstag Fire Decree, abolishing most of the human rights provisions of the 1919 Weimar Republic constitution." -- Article

Is there a difference in what the U.S. is doing to get the same powers?

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." -- George Santayana

No proof

CNN article.

If they had no evidence to prosecute him, then they were taking the law into their own hands based on hunches. I don't know if you remember Denzel Washington in Training Day. Can you imagine the amount of terror a CIA agent can cause on the general population if he violated U.S. citizens rights based on hunches without absolutely no proof at all. In fact, he could hurt someone for personal reasons of profitability or prejudice and then claim he had a hunch about him, since he didn't need to prove anything. The system is already very corrupt and they already have a lot of power. The movie Training Day was an example of our current system even with laws in place to protect citizens. Can you imagine what the CIA can do without any laws or accountability for their actions? Most people would live in fear hoping they don't piss a CIA agent off or have any money or valuables that they want. Anyone with a daughter should think twice about that law.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Everyone

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Positive news on the horizon :)

I lost 4-5 lbs., as measured by my electronic scale today. I'm able to fit in my pants again. :) hehehe

This is funny