Sunday, January 28, 2007

Eating Healthy

Most people don't like to eat healthy because when they think about it, they see images of eating tofu and bland food and they think "oh no not for me". For one think, tofu is not healthy. It is made from soy. And if you know how to prepare food, you can make healthy eating quite delicious. I've had people comment that my chicken, steak, or hamburgers are some of the best they've tasted. What I cook is very healthy. I think people follow these false teachers who think that eating boring foods is equivalent to eating healthy. Nothing come be further from the truth, soy milk is not healthy, tofu is not healthy, moderate servings of rice is not healthy, but that is what these false teachers promote.

I believe in a life of moderation. In fact, I seem to like drinking coffee. People get the idea that coffee is unhealthy. If you take Starbucks cappucino in place of a healthy meal, then that is unhealthy. Coffee is not a substitute for food. However taking coffee as part of your daily routine is fine provided that it is done in moderation. I rarely if ever drink more than one cup of coffee a day.

In fact, most of these "health diets" are actually unhealthy. The secret to knowing what is good for you is to pay attention to how to feel starting at 30 minutes after you each. Sounds simple enough but most people eat a ton of fries and junk food and then complain two hours later they feel bad. When I ask them what they eat, they seem flabbergasted to believe that anything they eat can make them feel bad. It's like a oxymoron but these people seem to exist in high quantities. Stop listening to what gurus tell you is healthy and pay attention to your own body and how it responds to the food. Over time you will know what is good for you. Do people know that french fries, those that aren't made fresh that day, are full of trans fat? Any place that uses frozen fries will have trans fat. Did you know in the 80's, that trans fat was being promoted as being healthy? That why you should never trust those people.

Trust yourself and your own body instincts to the food you eat.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Steven Seagal Funny

I can't stand this guy but this is funny.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Wife fights off mountain lion, saving husband

The headline is funny but true. Here is the article. It goes to show that the common advice of not looking them in the eye isn't going to help you. You have to look like you mean serious business when you look at them. Read the article to the end.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


My daughter enjoys two things. 1) watching Elmo 2) watching me doing Chen Taiji. I'm not sure what it is when I do Taiji but she gets really excited watching me do this especially if I turn on classical Chinese music which uses the flute and harp. Every time my daughter hears my voice or sees me after an absence of a few hours, she jumps up in joy (as much as 10 month baby can). She gets so excited and makes all kinds of wild motions. It reminds me of how puppies I used to have greeted me with such love and joy. The baby's mother says that, "To say that she loves you is an understatement ... she does not even get that excited to see me."

When I was a kid, my mother often play with my youngest brother but often ignore me. She would come home at night late from work and come into our room to say goodnight to my brother, spending a few minutes to tell him how much she loved him and played with him. I was on the other bed on the other side of the room listening to this. After she finished with my brother, I would yell out to my mom for affection, but she would ignore me and said she had to go to sleep. She would come home every night and do this. Even during the day, she refused to let me hug her or hold her. Every time I tried, she would get repulsed and push me away making the excuse, "I am dirty." I said, "I don't care. I just want a hug." She would say, "No." She occasionally told me she loved me but I never sensed sincerity in her words. It seemed that she would say this out of guilt for neglecting me. When she felt she neglected me too much, she would tell me she loved me but she never looked me in the eye when she said this and she looked very tense and uncomfortable every time she said it. She often problem giving my younger brother lots of love and affection right in front of my face. In fact, every time I try to have a conversation with my brother and we would have fun, she would interrupt me constantly to get his attention. It was almost as if she was jealous of me getting his attention.

Ever since I was a little kid, I swore to myself that I would raise my child totally different from the way I was raised by my parents. I swore that I would give my child love and support and treat her as a human being. My father used to say that I didn't have the right to criticize him as a parent until I have my own children. Well I have my own child now, and she reacts to me much different than his children to him. My baby's mother says that I am the best father in the world. That may be an exaggeration but I am proud of being a good father to my child.


Soy is probably one of the most dangerous things you can eat, that masquerades as health food. Even before all this research came out, as a kid I was able to "sense" things. However my mother kept on telling me, "What's wrong with you, all Asians eat soy, there's something wrong with you." It's sad my intuition as a kid were later proven correct although both my mother and father kept on saying how stupid I was. As a kid I "sensed" that the microwave oven was not good for me. In fact, I sensed that it was something very bad. I told my father this but he said I was dumb. That I didn't know what I was talking about. Now there is research that shows that microwaves are dangerous.

My father, who often read tons of health articles and magazines and books on medicine often told me that I was crazy, "There is no research to state that microwaves are dangerous. I've read all the research and I can't find any study that says it is dangerous." This was pre-internet days, of course, when I was a kid. I often that one can use COMMON SENSE and not to rely on research to tell you how to run your life. Of course, I told him in a nicer way, "Sometimes you can use your intuition to tell things. You don't have to rely on research for everything." He said that I was out of my mind and didn't know what I was talking about. Keep in mind that I was rarely allowed to say anything when he was talking. He used to beat his children severely before we came to the United States. He ran the household like a military dictatorship and beat his children for making the smallest mistakes such as losing their glasses. In fact, he whipped my older brother for losing his glasses as a kid. While he was whipping him, he would say, "I'm going to kill you. " Like in military boot camp, he will find the smallest infraction that does not mean the level of perfect that he demands and then beats his children for that. I remember one time in the U.S., he was teaching me how to read and I wasn't learning as fast he liked so he slapped me very hard, backwards and forwards, while yelling at me, "Get it through your head." These were very hard slaps. And then he would say, "NOW READ AGAIN and don't make any mistakes." My father has such a short and fitful temper and very little patience yet when I grew older I told him I like teaching at the "advanced levels" and that I didn't want to teach beginners or kindergarteners, he gave me a big lecture on how I had no patience and that he was willing to teach me, if I was interested. I am not exaggerating or making this up. This is 100% true.

So back to the story, when I told him that we can use our intuition, I told him his in a very respectful way and at a much later time than when he told me microwaves were safe. In fact, like in military boot camp, we were not allowed to talk to him or ask questions while he was interrogating us, even to clarify what he said. I remember when I was 5, he was beating me and asked a question, I made a mistake of answering it, he hit me again and told me, "Did I say you can talk? Did I say you can talk?". I said, "No." He hit me again for answering his question. U.S. soldiers are subjected to 2-3 months of boot camp depending on the branch of service they enter. Their attempt is to break you. Imagine a 5 year old subjected to this his entire childhood. I did not break.

My father acts like a bad child. My mother often calls him a "70+ year old junior high school kid" to us privately. He still acts like a bad teenager growing up at 70+ years of age.

My father now criticizes us saying that we are ungrateful, bad children. We don't give him enough love and money. He wishes he has better children. It turns out he has an inferiority complex. When he talks to his friends, they brag about how well their children are and exaggerate. My father would often believe the lies of his friends and expect us to measure up. When we didn't measure up, he felt like a failure and tortured us more. For instance, one of his friends said that their son was making 27.5 million a year as CEO of a company he formed. My father bragged about the successes of other people's children to us and called us losers for not measuring up. I told my father, "If his son was making 27.5 million a year, why does the father still live in a 40K old broken down house? It doesn't make sense especially since you told me that his son was very loyal and loving towards his father. You would think that he would do something for his father."
My father would come up with his usual lame excuse. I then asked for the name of the company, my father would respond he didn't know.

My father has the intelligence of a nimwit while putting on his resume that he is a graduate of Hanoi Medical School. He likes being called Doctor. He thinks that magic shows on TV are real magic and not tricks. He thinks that all the choreographed fight scenes in movies are real fight scenes. He would say, "Who would pay money to watch a set up (choreographed) fight?" I said, "So when the guy gets killed in the movie, he really dies? How does he make it into the next movie?" He would respond, "That part was fake, obviously." When I was younger, I wanted to audition for a fight scene in one of Chuck Norris' movies. My father would not let me because he thought Chuck Norris might seriously hurt me and then he wasn't going to take care of cripple without any source of income.

I was raised pretty harshly and blocked of my normal chances of success and yet I made it out alive and with my intelligence still intact and start a new life. You can overcome your environment and make something of yourself.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


I generally don't like prescription drugs but after constant pressure from my father in 2000, I started taking Zocor for my high blood cholesterol levels. It was at 300. I took it for about 3 months after which I felt a serious sense of weakness. I lost a good portion of my energy and felt like a zombie. If you read up on the site, you'll see why. I stopped taking it regardless of the pressure my father had continued to put on me. He's like a drug pusher. He firmly believes in all kinds of prescription drugs.

There are healing methods most of which do not require prescription drugs. About August 2006, I decided to do an advance natural healing method which does not require prescription drugs. After 2 months of this healing, my blood cholesterol level dropped from 301 to 207. That's a dramatic drop evidenced by Western medical tests. My testosterone levels doubled its previous levels, as measured by Western medical tests. You know I did all this without prescription drugs or by continuing to take any kind of herb or supplement to maintain my new health levels, or any kind of advice from Western doctors. I did take herbal medicine during the healing phase but not afterward. I believe this healing method also cures early cases of cancer, and possibly start reversing mild cases. Of course this method requires a lot of discipline. That is the word most people do not want to hear. They want to take a pill, prescribed by the doctor, to "fix" their problem, without doing anything extra. This mentality of laziness has brought more drugs and disease into people's lives than anything else. They don't want to develop discipline to make lifestyle changes to better their life. They believe in this miracle cure of popping a prescription drug into their mouth to fix their problem and they continue with their lifestyle. They want it easy. But there is no easy cure no matter how much money you throw at doctors.

I see newspaper articles saying so and so is cured of cancer. Like it is some miracle. Because Western science cannot cure it, it is considered to be a miracle with no real explanation as how it can happen or how to repeat it with others. I know what happened. I know how it works , I can explain it, and I can repeat it. The method is easy enough. The discipline to do it is very hard. Most people won't go through the suffering it takes to complete the healing. Most people will exit at the first sign of discomfort.


I've been taking Centrum for most of 18 years. I think it works best with and has a good price. I tried the expense food state multi-vitamins cost 3-4 times the price of Centrum but it doesn't work any better. Often I would get headaches from taking some of these expensive ones so I stuck with Centrum. In the last 3 months, I've stopped taking a multi-vitamin supplement because I get most of my nutrients from eating organic vegetables and fruits. I think I feel better without them.

I am not getting a single cent for saying this. I am offering my experience to help people make good choices. Every dollar I've worked for, I've earned honestly. I am proud of myself and my work ethic. This is unlike those individuals who earn their money dishonestly. These people are in a constant state of guilt and misery. Once such person sold junk bonds to finance the Taj Mahal. Selling high risk junk bonds to make a quick buck for something that they paid very little attention to managing says a lot about the character of the person. It is no wonder such persons are afflicted with low self-esteem.

Be careful of misleading advertising by Centrum which insinuates that it has all your vitamin and mineral needs. But it does not. For instance, the daily RDA for calcium is 1000 mg yet each tablet of Centrum only contains 162 mg. Hardly the total calcium you need for the day. Magnesium, the daily requirement is about 450 mg. Centrum only has 100 mg. And Centrum *does not* have all of the trace minerals either. So the advertising is misleading but the product is decent. I think the best source of vitamins and minerals is from greens. That would be my first choice. I try to get most of my nutrition from the foods I eat. Many vitamin manufacturers give you the delusion that you get all that you need from their product. It gives the person a false sense of security.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Duke Case

I was skeptical of the accusations from the beginning. This is mainly because strippers are professional liars and enjoy screwing people over. It's part of their drug induced persona. DNA evidence withheld by the prosecution now says that none of the strippers had the players DNA on them. Instead they had some other guys cum on them. This is typical stripper bullshit and games. My guess, from the beginning, was that the strippers threatened to file false rape charges if the guys didn't pay them extra money.

When I as younger and didn't know any better, I dated a stripper. She would brag how she was playing this millionaire taking him for $1,200 to $1,600 for each 2-4 hour date and not giving him any. It is interesting to look back and see how scheming these women get.

When a guy goes to a strip club, the girl takes makes up any lie about yourself to get the guy interested. For instance, if she senses he is educated, she will say she is trying to work her way to college and stripping only as a part time job to pay the college expenses. Now most guys are so stupid, they actually fall for this line. Now the guys feels like paying for lots of lap dances, because he is a good samaritan :) and help pay for her college. She gets the money, he feels good about it. They both leave happy as long as they guy doesn't know what's going on. It's a good setup.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Some people may be rich but are pathetic

On Donald Trump. I'd rather be where I am at today than to have all that money and be miserable.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Defending yourself against an angry dog

I don't know about this common advice given for such situations. I usually look them straight in the eye, especially if they are coming straight at me. I use my psychic "mind control" skills. They usually walk away in mental defeat.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Should you change oil every 3,000 miles?

Here are some new thoughts.